How Huawei Mobile Leapfrogged Xaomi In Smartphone Sail 2015

How Huawei Mobile Leapfrogged Xaomi In Smartphone Sail 2015

Huawei last year recorded a milestone of more than 100,000,000 Smartphone shipping globally. This record saw Huawei surpassed the formal record set by rival Xaomi in 2014.

Huawei and Xaomi were both successful in the 2015 setting new records compare to their previous year.

Huawei became the first Chinese company to ship more than 100,000,000 Smartphone abroad in the year with a clear evidence to prove it.

Xaomi conceded defeat over the global sale but insist it won the local sale completion. The statement has turn out to be controversial as Xaomi is yet to give evidence backing that claim.

Xaomi was ahead of Huawei in the year 2014 shipping more than 60 million Smartphone abroad. In the year 2015, Xaomi projected 80 million phone shipments, a projection they fail to meet.

Meanwhile, Huawei Mobile saw success in the year 2015 as it was able to penetrate successfully some European market; 87% in Portugal, 82% in Italy and more.

As it stands, Huawei has really made some good moves globally with the aim of raising it brand recognition.

This entire milestone is aimed at complementing the over 76,000 patents right the company won in 2014.

As well, Huawei mobile have release the sum of $600 million in the search and research of their new 5G network research work.